People are justifiably mad about the government handing out crack pipes with tax dollars, but can you think of a better way to ruin the crack and crack pipe industry than government and Biden administration getting involved?
“The Health and Human Services (HHS) Department is rolling out a $30 million grant program that will fund the distribution of items, like crack pipes, for smoking illicit substances, according to a new report.”
Everyone is talking about this…. well not the legacy media as usual… and it would not be a perspective if you didn’t learn something, right?
A few years ago I felt like we could trust Snopes, well probably 5 or more years ago. I would quote them all the time because I assumed they were impartial in their findings.
Boy was i wrong, here is the Snopes take (link on snopes name):
Mostly false
“What's True
In 2022, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services substance abuse harm reduction grant did require recipients to provide safer smoking kits to existing drug users. In distributing grants, priority would be given to applicants serving historically underserved communities. However...
What's False
This was just one of around 20 components of the grant program and far from its most prominent or important one, despite being the primary focus of outraged news reports. The purpose of the program was to reduce harm and the risk of infection among drug users, not to advance racial equity, although that was a secondary consideration.”
“One of around 20 components” and “far from its most prominent or important one” does not make it false, it makes it true. Secondary consideration is still a consideration, S-noped gets 5 out of 5 in stupidity, 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
…. but can you think of a better way to ruin the crack and crack pipe industry than government and Biden administration getting involved? I can’t.